Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I give lab members credit for completing Lab Specific Chemical Hygiene Training (EHS course 110c)?

A:To ensure that your lab mates' training completions are recorded, please email and copy with the following information:

    *Course Name [110c – Lab Specific]

    *Date of training

    *Location where training took place (i.e. Bldg-room #, Zoom)

    *Full name of person(s) trained

    *Kerberos of person(s) trained


Q: How do I properly dispose of sharps and chemical solids?

A: Click here for more information on this topic.


Q: Where can I find information on how to safely work with Nanomaterials?

A: MIT EHS website here. If you work with nanomaterials in your labspace, please register your laboratory and nanomaterials here through the Nanomaterial Program.

Call the EHS Office at 617-452-3477 for exposure evaluation of experimental setups and additional information

Nanomaterials Safety and Health Training- EHS00193w


Q: What can be stored properly in what types of refrigerators?

A: Check out a helpful document from ASU on this topic here.


Q: How do I order supplies I may need for waste or other lab processes?

A: Supplies can be ordered through Chemical Waste Collection Form. You do not need to have waste for pick up in order to have these supplies delivered.


Q: Does MIT provide Signs and Stickers?

A: Yes, through


Q:: Does MIT provide Spill Kits?

A: Yes, through

Basic Kit is $50 with the option of adding additional items (additional $)


Q: How do I ship Hazardous Materials?

A:Visit and If you plan to ship hazardous materials complete the following awareness course to learn about the resources available to help you properly ship your materials: EHS00792w – Hazardous Materials Shipping Awareness Training (certificate required). 

NOTE: By completing this course, individuals are not qualified to ship hazardous materials alone. However, they will learn about the resources at the EHS Office and the Hazardous Materials Shipping Team. You will need to work with the EHS office to ship out as they are the approved and trained personnel.