Helpful Forms


Hazard Assessment Form for Minors (under 18) working in a lab: Submit an *unsigned* *draft* of this form to Chris Guild for review whenever your lab is hosting a minor. 

There is other paperwork required also, particularly if the minor is paid.  Contact Amanda Holley and/or see the HR Website or MIT EHS about minors and/or talk to your admin.

(If the minor will be doing computational/office/non-lab work, use this form.)



MIT's Working Alone Policy stipulates that prior written approval is required for undergraduates to work alone with hazards.

Submit an *unsigned* *draft* of the Undergraduate Working Alone Approval Form to Chris Guild for review if it is desired that an undergraduate work alone with hazards.



In general it is wise to avoid leaving experimental set-ups unattended.  However, some experiments naturally will require very long run times and will need to be left unattended.  Anyone leaving an experiment unattended is asked to consider very carefully all the controls and safeguards that will be needed for leaving a setup unattended (including, what if there were a utility loss - loss of power, loss of cooling water, loss of gas flow, loss of ventilation etc?).  Unattended experiments should have a sign on or near them detailing whose experiment it is, how long it will be there, and what material(s) are being used in the experiment.  A template for this is available by clicking here: Unattended Experiment Notice Sign.  This template, when printed, makes two signs (cut paper in half).

Chris Guild also has some signs pre-printed on orange paper and laminated so they can be re-used.